List of Free DAWs and my personal favorites.

List of free DAWs

These are the freeware DAWs that i know. I've picked top 5 among this based on the features it offers. The top 5 however is unordered.

Top 5

Tracktion 6 (Windows, Mac, Linux)


Tracktion is the DAW i use. I love it for its unique workflow and its rack. Once you get used to its interface its one of the quickest DAWs which is light on your CPU aswell. It doesn't have any limitation.
1) Unique Interface, Full Featured
2) Drag and Drop Controls
3) Rack
4) Audio Comping, Time Streching
5) Single Window Interface
1) Very different from other DAWs
2) Not so good GUI

 Soundbridge (Windows, Mac)


I found this while randomly browsing and its a surprisingly capable DAW. Still needs some bugs fixed but nothing big to make it unusable.It doesn't have any limitation.
1) Full Featured
2) Good GUI
3) Nice Selection of Inbuilt effects

1) Some VSTs fail to load.

LMMS (Windows, Linux, Mac)


It is a DAW with a workflow similar to FL Studio. This has been developed to make it better and better and now it is as good as FL Fruity Edition if not more.

1) Open Source
2) Community Support
3) Similar to FL Studio
4) Built in Effects and Instruments

1) No Audio Recording (Audio Clips are available though)
2) VSTs are little unstable

Caustic 3 (Windows, Android, iOS)


Its primarily a mobile DAW but it has a free PC version. It is contains everything "in the box" and is similar to Reason. It doesn't support VSTs but has 7 built in instruments (Synths, Sfz player, Drum Sampler).
1) Community Support
2) Easy to use
3) Mobile Version Available
4) Good Sounding Built in Instruments
1) No VSTs
2) No Technical Support

Studio One Prime (Windows, Mac)


Allows Unlimited Number of tracks, contains high quality effects, a high quality sampler which can play sfz files. It'd have been nice to see it come with a synth aswell. It doesn't support VSTs.

1) Great Interface
2) High quality built in effects and sounds
3) Upgradable to Pro version of DAW
4) Unlimited tracks

1) No Vsts



Here are more DAWs which are feature limited/platform limited but works for some people.

Magix Music Maker Free (Beginner Friendly,3 Instruments, Track Limitation)

Stagelight (Beginner Friendly,5-6 Feature Limited Instruments, Only limited to clip view)

Zynewave Podium free (No Track Limitation,Single Core for VSTs,Hasn't been updated)

MuLab Free (4 Track Only)

Ardour (Free for Linux)

Pro Tools First (Crazy Limitations)

Darkwave Studio (Hasn't been Updated)

Garageband (Mac Only)

Qtractor (Linux Only)

Rosegarden (Linux Only)

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